Firings update

Hello Members and Artists!

Because of our troubled kilns we feel the need to give you all an update of the latest. We have a new Midi Kiln from Fired Up Kilns at the Nurses Quarters, it’s a little bit bigger than the old Midi Kiln and fires all temperatures seamlessly and cools down really nicely. We have good availability right now so seize the moment and book in whatever space you need!

Our big kiln from Woodrow has decided to give up on the higher temperatures, therefore we are only firing Bisque and Earthenware in that one. It means we have heaps of room available for those two temperatures so don’t hesitate to book in!

We have ordered a new custom built big kiln from Fired Up Kilns that is expected to be delivered in August. This one will fire all temperatures and be even bigger than the one we currently have. We will adjust the bookable space on the website for the new big kiln when it arrives.

These two kilns can not be fired safely on the same day so therefore are we firing them every other day like listed below.

Current kiln firing schedule

Monday: Stoneware (Midi kiln)

Tuesday: Bisque (Big kiln)

Wednesday: Midfire (Midi kiln)

Thursday: Earthenware (Big kiln)

Friday: Artist kiln

For whole kiln bookings for members contact us directly.

The test kiln is available to book any day of the week. Just contact us!

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